7 Ways to Boost Your Weight Loss Process This Coming Holiday Season

The Holidays, apart from being a season of giving, is a time when we engage in eating… lots of eating. So we resort to the best weight loss supplements available in the market. Looking for the ideal supplement for your body’s needs can be a hard task. It can get a bit overwhelming especially with a surfeit of products. But while you’re on the search, here are some ways to help with the weight loss process especially during the holidays.

Eat something you’re craving for after dinner then brush your teeth


Have you ever tried eating right after brushing your teeth? It tastes kind of icky right? It’s because of a compound found in toothpaste called sodium lauryl, which provides the sudsy texture on your tongue. This is probably one of the best and safest ways to suppress your appetite. After eating dessert at night, brush your teeth when you have already satiated your cravings.

Don’t engage in mindless eating


This habit is one of the most massive culprits of holiday weight gain. One way to combat this is to eat without engaging with your TV, computer, phone, or anything that can get you too distracted. Eating with these can lead you to eat faster. Instead of doing this, try to catch up with your family at the dinner table.

Trim Portions


Use smaller plates. This way, you can monitor your food intake. In a study, it was found that halving the plate size led to a 30% reduction in amount of food consumed on average while in the case of plates, reducing their diameter by 30% halves the area of the plate and reduces consumption by 30%.

Download a pedometer app


Having a pedometer app on your phone can motivate you to get up and move. Did you know that in order to ward off weight gain and maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, you should reach at least 10,000 steps a day? Pedometers can help you monitor your day’s hard work. Here’s a list of the best apps available.

Cut back on soda


Even the best weight loss supplements can’t help you if you keep on munching on sweets and drinking sodas. Too much sugar is the worst possible thing to put inside your body. There are a lot of health risks when drinking soda on a regular basis. Chronic heart diseases, impaired learning, oral problems, and diabetes are just among others. It’s okay to go for a drink or two, just don’t consume it daily.

Switch to healthier or lighter alternatives

And by alternatives, we mean substituting healthy food choices than the fatty ones. An example would be salad dressing. Instead of using mayo-infused dressings, opt for vinaigrette. When baking or frying stuff, use olive oil. Always choose a healthier option as much as possible.

Load more on protein 

High protein intake boosts metabolism, reduces appetite and changes several weight-regulating hormones. Beef, pork, chicken, fish, and eggs are not the only sources of protein. You should also stock up on vegetables like spinach, peas, and beans.

With these practices in mind, and the best weight loss supplement in hand, losing weight this Holiday season won’t be the hassle that you think it is!

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